Guided Wyoming Deer Hunts: Whitetail & Mule Deer

General Season WY Mule Deer Hunts
Rifle Season: October 15th-24th
Archery Season: September 1st-30th
We offer 5-Day lodge-based hunts, either out of Greybull or Shell Wyoming. Hunts take place primarily on private creek bottoms. We will be utilizing ground blinds for morning and evening hunts. This makes for a low stress hunt and suited for anyone. You can expect to see many respectable mule and whitetail deer throughout out your hunt. Your general region R tag is good for any buck! So be it a Muley or Whitetail, he will go home with you.
$4500 + License Fees

Late Season Whitetail Rut Hunts
in Wyoming
Nov 10-30
This is one of the easier tags to draw and a very exciting one at that. Taking place right in the middle of the rut, you will be seeing plenty of bucks running the creek every day. We will sit down with you every morning and evening to go over what you have been seeing and move you to strategically placed stands accordingly. A lot of guys on this hunt like to sit all day because you never know what buck will come by your stand chasing a hot doe this time of year. The added benefit of having blinds set up on private ground there is no competition.
$4000 + License Fees
Deer Hunt Rates
- Lodging and Meals included
- Caping and quartering
- Transportaion to and from Cody Regional Airport if needed
- Transportation of game to meat locker and Taxidermist in our area
No trophy fee or hidden cost