Guided Pronghorn Hunts in Wyoming
WY Antelope Hunting
3-Day Archery: August 15th - September 19th
3-Day Rifle: September 20th - October 14th
For Rifle hunts we will be putting a stock on your 12-14 inch buck until we are in your comfortable shooting range. Our areas have endless amounts of BLM land to hunt with plentiful amounts of antelope. Archery hunters will be utilizing ground blinds, mostly set over water holes, or we can make stocks on bucks if you choose to do so. These are town-based hunts out of Greybull or Shell Wyoming that are suited for anyone with 100% shot opportunity guaranteed.
Antelope draws are based off of the preference point system- the more preference points, the better the chance of drawing your tag.
$2750 / Single Hunter - $2500 per person in group
- lodging and meals included
- Caping and quartering
- No trophy or hidden cost
- Transportation to and from Cody Regional Airport if needed
- Transportation of game to meat locker and Taxidermist in our Area
No trophy fees or hidden cost
**Price Does Not include License Fees**